Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 27 November 1998

This morning I was up

07.03 This morning I was up at 02.45. Bunny now often secretes himself in the deepest recess of the bedroom fireplace, and this early morning that's where he was.

Paper. Paper. Paper. Unsolicited tapes & CDs. And a sincere letter of thanks from someone whose Father (only 57) has just died of cancer. Very fortunately, the family were together as Father flew away.


Diane, David & myself have just enjoyed a conference call with Dan Kirkdorffer.

We are addressing the next stage of the DGM Website. There are structural weaknesses, rather than design flaws, which need to be addressed. And we need to establish the mechanics of bringing our site closer to real time.

Dan does a superb job at ET and, in two moments of weakness a while ago, offered to help the DGM Website. We are now taking advantage of his momentary lapses of presence and becomingness, and accepting his offer. It is sometimes a blessing to know where our future lies yet to be ignorant of what that future will ask of us. Good luck, Dan.

The Guestbook is currently an in-between area. It is an excellent opportunity for DGM to learn from its audience and customers. It is also useful for enthusiast postings not directly relevant to the company, which is getting clogged by long questioning e-mails unrelated to the work of producing records and promoting the interests of its artists. DGM is a business, and its business address is not a place to send enthusiast commentary & questioning.

So, how best to engage with our audience? One personal aim is to find ways of improving the quality of perceptions & debate; another is to discover what is real in the relationship between performer and audience.

DGM's Guestbook currently provides an uncensored and unmoderated forum which presents posters an opportunity to see themselves clearly revealed on global display. Reasoned, well-argued posts and dissentient views not-quite-debated, harmonised or otherwise; loonies, venters, dumpers; all on worldwide netscape public view.

We are also planning and preparing to introduce a DGM publishing division, both online and hard copy. This will take some time to set up.


It's The Late Show! David & The Great Roberto reconvened and vibrating to ProjeKct One.

